1. Set your clocks/timers for Five (5) Minutes.
3. Ready?
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2. Write about Fear. How does the emotion affect your relationships with others? How does fear affect your writing? How does fear prevent you from accomplishing your goals and dreams? Today, make a plan to conquer a fear.
Get into as much detail as you can for the next five minutes.
Get into as much detail as you can for the next five minutes.
3. Ready?
4. Go.
5. Finished? Review and be amazed.
I hope you had fun. Come back next Friday for a new writing prompt.
Was this exercise helpful?
Did you succeed with this writing exercise? Was it helpful? Did you identify your fears? How did you realize that your fear affected your writing? Did you figure out how fear prevented you from accomplishing your goals and dreams? Did you make a plan to conquer a fear? Do you want to share? Was this exercise helpful? Did you enjoy it?
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