If you noticed, I
didn’t title this article “Overcoming YOUR Fear of Writing a Synopsis.” I don’t
think you own the fear anymore than I do or any other writer. We all share a
common emotion, one that can be summed up in one word: Formidable.
What is it about
this particular piece of writing that brings out more moans and groans from
writers than a roomful of sixth graders getting a surprise math test?
is a Synopsis?
Look at the word.
Synopsis. Say it with me. “Sin-op-sissss.” Even the sound of the word emanates
What is a
synopsis? Webster’s defines it as “a shortened statement or outline, as of a
narrative. Abstract.”
Nothing sounds
particularly evil in that definition. Let’s look at it a little closer –
“shortened statement or outline.” Hey, look at that. “outline.” Now there is a
little word we’re all familiar with. Does “outline” make you cringe as much as
“synopsis?” What about “shortened statement?” Not me. Probably not you, either.
with a Simple Sentence
Let’s start with
the shortened statement. I’ll use the popular children’s story, Lady and the Tramp to help demonstrate
my points.
What is our story
“Lady and the Tramp is a story about dogs.”
True, but the
portrayal is dry and uninteresting. Would you want to just read a story
about dogs? What makes this dog story different? Let’s see if we can add some
more information to better describe the story.
“Lady and the Tramp is about two dogs
from different sides of the track.”
Good. Now we know
that there are two main characters. And, we know that these two characters are
different in some way. Let’s see if we can do a little bit better.
“Lady and the Tramp tells the adventures
of an upper-class, well bred cocker spaniel and a roguish mutt from the wrong
side of the tracks.”
Okay. Now we have
some description and a hint at a story. We know that these two distinctly
different characters are going to have at least one adventure.
Your Story in 25 Words or Less
So, now we need to
think about our audience. The synopsis generally goes to an editor, agent, or
publisher. So, we must capture their attention. Give them something to grab
onto and not let go. This is where you can really get creative and meet the
“describe your story in 25 words or less” challenge.
“Lady and the Tramp is filled with
exciting adventures of Lady, a lovingly pampered cocker spaniel and Tramp, a
roguish mutt from across the tracks.”
Whew! There it is
– 25 words – exactly. We’ve just written a strong hook for the opening of our
Every synopsis
should start out with a statement that describes your story in approximately 25
words. However, don’t be a stickler about trying to hit the “magic” number.
There isn’t really a magic number. But, keeping your description to
approximately 25 words helps to focus your writing on the key elements of your
Elements – Not That Difficult to Identify
Speaking of key
elements, those are what we now need to identify so that we can create our
Wait, wait. Stop
groaning. I promise we’ll go slowly. Okay?
I think I’ve read
every article and book written on creating a synopsis and even though every
writer has their own formula for creating the “perfect synopsis,” I admit that authors
agree on one thing – You need to practice. So, my suggestion is that you do
what I’ve done here. You find some simple stories and practice creating the
synopsis for them. Once you’re able to pick out the key elements easily, you’re
ready to create a synopsis for your own story.
So, back to our
story, Lady and the Tramp.
Element - Structure
The basic
structure of the synopsis should be a complete summary of your story from
beginning to end, written in present tense. Simple, right? So far. Let’s see
how that helps us with our story.
“Lady and the Tramp is filled with
exciting adventures of Lady, a lovingly pampered cocker spaniel and Tramp, a
roguish mutt from across the tracks.
Lady’s owners love
her but ignore her when their baby arrives. The owners leave her with a
cat-loving aunt who locks Lady out of the house.
Lady runs away and
straight into a street-wise mutt named Tramp who shows her how good he has it
being free from owners.
Lady is caught by
the dog catcher and spends time in the pound learning some of Tramp’s secrets.
Hurt and jealous, Lady is returned home and exiled to the doghouse once again.
Lady discovers a
rat making its way into the house and is helpless to defend her home. Tramp
helps her by getting into the house and killing the rat. However, he’s accused
of attacking the baby and is placed in the dog catcher’s wagon to be taken to
the pound.
Lady’s owners
return home just in time to see how Lady has been treated and have Lady show
them the dead rat.”
Key Elements – Setting, Main Characters, Conflict
Not bad for a
first draft. We’re missing a few items that would make the story more dramatic
and compelling for the editor, but those can be added easily. First, we should
make sure that we’ve established the setting for the story and identified our
main characters.
We’ll have to
identify real conflict between these characters and their motivations. Then,
we’ll have to show the resolution of the conflict. It isn’t as important to
name every character in the synopsis, but you must name your main characters.
Key Elements – Tell Your Ending
Finally, we must
make sure that we’ve wrapped up our story and told our ending. Yes, that’s what
I said, we tell our ending in the synopsis. You must never, ever tease editors
and leave them guessing about the ending of story.
As a side note for
romance writers: If your story is a romance, make sure you always establish the
love relationship between the two main characters by showing how they met and
why they’re fighting against their attraction.
With that advice, let’s see how our synopsis
shapes up after adding these key elements.
“Lady and the Tramp is an early twentieth
century story filled with exciting adventures of Lady, a lovingly pampered
cocker spaniel and Tramp, a roguish mutt from across the tracks in New England.
Lady’s owners
lavish attention on her until a new baby arrives that takes all their
attention. Ignoring Lady’s needs, they go away on a trip leaving her and the
baby with a callous aunt and her two Siamese cats that wreak havoc. Lady,
wrongly accused of the mischievous cats’ pranks, ends up in the backyard
doghouse and eventually fitted for a muzzle.
Fearful, Lady runs
away and straight into a street-wise mutt named Tramp who shows her how good he
has it being free from owners. He treats her to a night on the town, complete
with a romantic Italian dinner from his favorite restaurant.
even though he protects Lady from a vicious dog attack, Tramp can’t protect her
from the dog catcher. Lady spends time in the pound learning some of Tramp’s
secrets from his other wayward, albeit, intimate acquaintances. Hurt and
jealous, Lady returns home and is once again exiled to the doghouse.
Lady’s other
neighborhood dog-friends advice her to forget this scoundrel and chivalrously
offer to take care of her.
Tramp returns,
hoping to change Lady’s mind about him. She rejects his advances and sends him
on his way.
Moments later
she’s alarmed that an ugly rat enters the house, but can’t do anything about it
because she’s chained. Tramp comes to the rescue by finding a way into the
house and killing the rat before it can harm the baby.
However, the
heartless aunt accuses Tramp of attacking the baby and calls the dog catcher
who places him in the wagon to be taken to the pound.
Lady’s owners
return home just in time to see how Lady has been treated and have Lady show
them the dead rat. Lady’s friends run to stop the dog catcher’s wagon and
everyone is reunited after a thrilling chase scene.
When the commotion
settles, Tramp chooses the family life and abandons his drifting ways to stay
with Lady and her owners.”
And, there you
have it. Your synopsis. Was that so painful?
This synopsis is
rather short when compared to the longer books you desire to write. Don’t let
that intimidate you. The concept is still the same.
Editors have
specific requirements when it comes to the length of your synopsis.
Unfortunately, just like snowflakes, no two editors are the same. One editor
requires a ten-page synopsis while another may only want two pages.
My advice to you
is that you follow the requirements of the editor and make sure you include
enough information in your synopsis to tell your story but not so much to slow
it down. Focus on the story’s development from beginning to end and make sure
you emphasize the resolution of the conflict and/or romance.
If you’re having
trouble writing your synopsis, don’t beat yourself up about it. Go back to your
story. Have you developed the plot completely? Do you understand your
characters and their motivation? Is your conflict believable and resolvable? If
you can’t answer those questions, the problem isn’t with your synopsis. If you
don’t understand your story how do you expect an editor to?
Good luck and
remember to practice, practice, practice.
Lady and the
Tramp is owned by © Disney Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.