Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Happy SITS Day to Your Writing Coach

Good morning and Happy Tuesday! The day has finally come…it’s my SITS Day! For those of you who aren’t familiar with SITS, SITS (Secret is the Sauce) is a networking website for women bloggers.it is a community of 40,000 women bloggers who provide support, share tips, and encourage one another through the journey of blogging. It’s a great way to meet new bloggers and get fantastic blogging tips and information. Interested in checking it out? Head on over to SITS here

Let me tell you about Your Writing Coach. It grew out of a love I have for helping fellow writers. I am an award winning author and was always being asked about how I did this or that, or if I would proofread something. I ran an editing group for a while, but It wasn't "global" enough. Our critique group was only successful if we kept it small. So, I decided to take my help and opinions and research to the Internet. Thus, Your Writing Coach was born.

I give writing tips, writing exercises, and do the research for you when it comes to how to use possessives or capitalization. I did a whole series on "The Least You Should Know about English" and it was a great hit.

I also share my posts with the Indie Writers Network as I'm a group moderator over there. One of the things I like to share over there are quotes from authors and good writing books. Check them out if you get the chance.

On the left side of my blog is a list of links to other blogs and Internet pages I think you'll like. If you have something for me to add, please let me know.

Some personal information about me. I'm married to a wonderful man, we have an American Eskimo dog and Sun Conure parrot at home along with a 400 gallon saltwater aquarium. My three children are grown and on their own and they've given me three wonderful grandchildren with a new one on the way due in November. I'm so excited!

I live in vacationland Florida and we enjoy the water as much as we can. My husband is an avid diver and underwater photographer. I paddle around on top as a snorkeler. 

I have this blog and another more personal blog called Vicki's Blog.

I am owner of several websites such as Vicki M. Taylor, author and My Balanced Life.

I also write articles for the International Bipolar Foundation. This article was written for May Mental Health Month, called What Mental Health Means to Me.

Thank you for visiting and I hope you stick around and check out my site and the four years of blogs I've written. Hopefully, you'll find something useful.

Have a blessed day!


  1. Happy SITS Day and congrats on being the featured blogger. I will look through your other blogs to see if I can get some helpful tips. I would like to become a better writer.

    1. thank you. I hope you find whatever you're looking for to help you become a better writer. If not, suggest something and I'll write about it.

  2. Happy SITS day! Was going through your posts and I really enjoyed the exercises. Subscribing now =)

  3. Enjoy your SITS day Vicki!! I hope its a good one!!

  4. Have a great SITS Day, Vicki!

  5. Congrats on your SITS Day! I hope it is an amazing one for you! :) Have a great day, Vicki!

  6. Congrats on being Featured Blogger, enjoy your day!

  7. Happy SITS Day! I'm always happy to find more writing tips!

    1. Hi Christa. I hope you find as many tips as you can use. If you ever can't find what you're looking for, just ask. I'll write something about it.

  8. I'm so glad you were featured on SITS :) I'm going to be following you now. Not in a stalker way, I promise ;)

    Have a wonderful day!

    1. Hi Jennifer. I don't feel "stalked" at all. Thanks for following.

  9. Congratulations, Vicki! Your writing tips are so good. Thanks for sharing so much about writing. I learn something new each time I stop by! Happy SITS!

    1. Thank you for your support. I truly appreciate it.

  10. Happy SITS Day! Enjoy the spotlight and all the bloggy love coming your way today!

    1. Thank you, Eva. I do enjoy the attention brought to my blog. I hope I can help the writers out there.

  11. Happy SITS day! I'm always looking to hone up on my writing skills. Glad to have found your blog!

    1. Thanks for visiting. I hope you come back for more tips.

  12. Happy SITS day!! I'll be reading through your blog, I need to freshen up on my writing skills!! Sara @ http://sarahowe.blogspot.com

    1. Hi Sara, glad you found my blog. I hope you can learn new skills and find lots of great tips.

  13. Happy SITS day!
    I love to write and started a book years ago but having a hard time deciding if it should be in chronological order...or out of order..
    If I should self-publish it which I'm only writing one book to get my story out...

    I have no idea! So I'm subscribing to your blog to get more tips!

    Keep it Touched,

    1. Hi Khloe, all great questions. Thanks for subscribing. If you don't find an answer, ask me a direct question and I'll address it in a future blog. Have a blessed day!

  14. Happy SITS Day. Great idea hiring a writing coach. My own is invaluable to me. Everyone needs some cheering from the sidelines. Enjoy your day!

    1. Hi Jessica, yes, I agree. Everyone needs a coach to cheer them on to success.

  15. Congratulations on your SITS day. I hope it's a great day for you.

  16. This is just the kind of blog I needed to find! I'm about to start working on my first ebook and I hope to publish a book as well. Happy SITS day. Glad I found you!

    1. Congratulations on the start of your ebook. i hope you find huge success. Thanks for reading.

  17. Happy SITS Day Vicki! I hope that you make lots of new connections today.

    Rachel recently posted The 16 Habits of Highly Unsuccessful People

  18. You sound like such an interesting woman! I just read your most recent post on "Spelunking." The kitten inside the pant leg is so cute! I'm sorry about all the horrible things mean babysitters and cousins did to help create your fear of tight spaces. My recent post is about our Father's Day outing to the Cape Town, Waterfront. We live about 2 hours drive away. Happy SITS day! Is that what SITS really stands for? It's always been a mystery to me since joining about a year ago.

    Tina - American mom raising 4 kids in South Africa

    1. Hi Christina, thanks for visiting and reading my posts. I appreciate the sympathy. Have a blessed day!

  19. Congratulations on your SITS day! And great job with this post, I enjoyed it :)

    Sabrina @ Living, Learning, Eating

  20. Happy SITS Day, Vicki! I have to tell you - you are one amazing woman! I can't believe all you do! I can't find enough hours in the day to keep up with one blog and a small home-based business! Kudos to you - I admire your spirit!!

    Kim @ {enjoy the view}

    1. Hi Kim. I appreciate your comments. I do what I need to do to keep busy but also find balance in my life. Have a blessed day!

  21. Congrats Vicki! Hope you have a fantastic SITS Day! It's about time isn't it?

  22. Congratulations on being featured; I'm so glad to have found another blog on writing tips & exercises. I'm following you now and can't wait to learn from you.

    1. Thanks for the follow, Ann. I hope you find lots of great writing tips and exercises to help your writing.

  23. Happy SITS Day to you! I will be subscribing to all your blogs I think. I just had my first E-book published, and I am working on another one. This blog should prove to be very helpful. I have a family member who deals bipolar and several other letters that was mentioned on SITS site lol. I think it is great that you blog about. On my way to check out your other sites!

    1. Hi, yes, dealing with Bipolar is adventurous. I hope you find my blogs helpful. Thanks for the follow. Have a blessed day!

  24. Wishing you a wonderful SITS Day Vicki!

    I love your Blog, and you are such a gifted writer. Love the fact that you have a parrot!!

    I love Florida and spend alot of time there too. Congrats on the arrival soon of your fourth grandchild!

    Going to pop over to your other sites too.

    1. Hello, Jeanine. Thanks for the comments. I just found out my 4th grandchild is going to be a boy! Yay! I hope you find helpful writing tips. Have a blessed day!

  25. Happy SITS Day!
    Spatulas On Parade

  26. Happy SITS Day! Definitely need to read your blog. I can always use a writing coach.

    1. I'm always here with tips and exercises. So pop on over whenever you like.

  27. Happy SITS Day from a fellow Floridian! I am definitely bookmarking your site because I'm always trying to grow and improve as a writer!

    1. Thanks for the comments and bookmark. I hope you continue to find helpful writing tips.

  28. Happy SITS Day! I am super excited to "meet" you because I definitely need a writing coach!!

    1. It's nice to meet you as well, Sarah. I hope that you subscribe to the Your Writing Coach blog so that you don't miss any of the tips and writing exercises posted.

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