1. Set your clocks/timers for Five (5) Minutes.
3. Ready?
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2. Write about Your Right to Experience Growth. We often shun others because they are different. We should embrace diversity and open-mindedness. I believe when other do not let you grow, they are doing so because they simply fear what is different. They do not feel validated. Do you write in order to experience growth?
Get into as much detail as you can for the next five minutes.
Get into as much detail as you can for the next five minutes.
3. Ready?
4. Go.
5. Finished? Review and be amazed.
I hope you had fun. Come back next Friday for a new writing prompt.
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Did you succeed with this writing exercise? We all are different, in our special way. Do you embrace diversity? Are you open-minded? Do you write in order to experience growth? Why or Why not? Was this exercise helpful? Did you enjoy it?
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