Monday, January 6, 2014

What Writing Topics do You Want for 2014?

It's now 2014. How many of you are still holding strong to those New Year's resolutions?

Yeah, me too.

I'm going to turn this post around a bit and ask you a question: What do you want to learn this year?

What writing topics would you like me to write about this year?

Because, really, that's what this blog is all about.


What you can learn. What I can teach you. So, let's hear from you. I want to know. I want to be able to give you what you want.

Tell me one thing. Tell me a dozen things. Make a whole list. I don't mind.

I really want to know. What can I do for you?

Like the image, I really love writing. And even more, I love writing about topics you really want to know more about.

So, bring it on.

I'm listening.

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